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Company and Markets

Early Stage Medical Device Companies (US)

We work with early seed and series A medical device companies.  These companies generally have proof of concept and often times some customer discovery.  We can strengthen these areas and help plan for the future be it financial, resource planning, regulatory, compliance, reimbursement and overall general business planning.  We can help build and work with delivery for first class presentations to help your business obtain the funding needed to grow and scale.

Medical Device Companies head quartered outside the US preparing to launch in the US.

The US can be a daunting market for a device manufacturer outside the US.  We help educate our clients on the US landscape and how our payor provider system works.  Most of the companies we work with have had success in their general local, but the US can be entirely different.  We want to insure you are set up for success and have the necessary information, resources, and planning to insure a successful launch.  We generally recommend working with us 6-12 months in front of when you intend to launch to insure that long lead items such as regulatory and reimbursement strategy are prepared in advance.

Hospital Markets

Depending on the product this market has its own set of challenges to navigate.  The buying process for hospitals can be slow, but with the right partners this can sometimes be accelerated.  The value proposition and customer discovery is key in this market.  You must know who is going to pay for the product and why and how much they are willing to pay before entering the market.  Mistakes here can be devastating for a small business.

Clinics and Outpatient Centers

These markets can be faster and easier to penetrate with the right value proposition.  Specialty devices that can improve workflow, reduce cost, or attract more patients to a center are particularly attractive. 

Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense

These are really two separate markets and operate very differently from traditional hospitals and clinics, particularly when it comes to their buying decisions.  We can help vet your value proposition and help connect you with the appropriate people to successfully penetrate these markets.

Contact Us

500 West 5th Street, 5th Floor, Winston-Salem NC 27101, USA

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2023, Rives Consult

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